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1-4 喜歡哪一套~❤️ 1-4 Which one do you prefer? #跟你說個小故事 肚子上的疤是高中的時候 腹膜炎引發敗血症那時候留下的 當時醫生說如果晚半小時送醫我就沒救了 痊癒後傷口又化膿二開了一次,所以疤很寬 之前一直覺得它很大很醜就很少穿比基尼> < 雖然現在還是覺得它很醜啦 但它也是我人生重要事件的一部分 算是勇闖鬼門關的印記?就這樣吧~ I got a scar on my abdomen bcuz of peritonitis when I was just 16. Always, I feel like that it’s ugly and don’t wanna show them, so I seldom wear bikini b4~ Doctor said that if I came to hospital 30 mins later, I died. I also had twice surgery for one same things at that time, so the scar is more bigger than usual. Although I still hate the scar, it does be a major event of my life. So, whatever, this is what I am🙂

1-4 喜歡哪一套~❤️ 1-4 Which one do you prefer? #跟你說個小故...